Sunday, September 9, 2007

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me.

Might: [Auxiliary Verb] Used to express possibility, advisability or in polite requests for permission.

Due to the lack of creative brain juice and inspirational ideas, I have not been blogging. Until recently, while chatting with a close friend, she gave me this brilliant and interesting topic. I thought it might be fun instead of my usual ramblings about floorball and hall stuffs, so here goes... =_=

1) I talk to myself when I am under stress. E.g. While doing tutorials or studying.

2) I like waking up to quiet/peaceful mornings. I get grumpy really quickly if I wake up to a noisy one or if I am roused from sleep in a noisy or rough manner.

3) I got my first scar (right elbow) when I was four years old. I fell while racing some kid from the neighbourhood round the playground, the tiled ground was sandy. I won though. =)

4) I was fat when I was little. (about the age of 3)

5) I once had a girlfriend (who was my classmate in JC) who turned out to be my mother's ex-classmate's daughter. We found out when both our mothers went missing one day to attend a "class gathering". ;p

6) I hated going to the dentist when I was little. When I had a loose tooth, I would get my elder sister to push me off her bed and I would fall face first onto the pull-out bed (where I slept) below so the teeth would be knocked out. If I failed the first time, I would try and try again! lol~

7) I underwent plastic surgery when I was in secondary school. I had to remove some excess skin at the lower corner of my eyes which were pushing up my lower eyelids, causing my eyelashes to irritate my eyes.

8) I use to have a phobia of hearing whistles blowing when I am asleep.

I joined the SJAB in secondary school and we had something called "Fire Drills"/"Turn Outs" when we had our camps in school. The NCOs would turn us out in the middle of the night using whistles and handed out punishment (pumping, running, sit-ups...) to us in the hundreds for infringements such as not turning off the fan when we fall in, why some of us had tiny air bubbles in our water bottles which are supposed to be 100% filled...

Needless to say, after break camp, I would jolt awake at home in the middle of the night thinking that I heard a whistle...

9) I once stayed quiet for an ENTIRE day in PY (an education standard before primary school) just to win the badge for the "Most Obedient Student of The Day". For those who know me, staying quiet for an entire day (when I was little) is next to the impossible.

10) I use to eat whole carrots raw, chewing on it and sharing it with my nanny while watching sesame street when I was young, about the age of 3-4. I cried like mad when it was my last day with her. =)

That's all folks. Stay tuned for the next amazing episode of my life. =_=

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